huge used book sale, sponsored by the
Friends of the Public Library, is underway at Fort Mason. The books are sorted on long tables by subject matter, but that's about it, so searching for a particular title is unreasonable. One can only browse & see what serendipity turns up. I came across a wonderfully illustrated Radio Shack programming manual from the 1970s in the computer section. For some reason Sebastian Junger's
Fire was in among hardback fiction.

The pricing is simple: $3 for hardcovers, $2 for paperbacks & media. On Sunday everything is $1. People buy by the boxful, so expect lines checking out. My cashier freaked out when I did not have exact change for my modest $4 total, & a security guard checked my receipt against my purchases on the way out.
§ 48th Annual Big Book Sale
September 19-23, 2012
10 AM-6 PM
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