I walked through Sunday Streets in Chinatown this past Sunday around lunch time. Grant Street was uncharacteristically spacious as a pedestrian mall, & there was plenty of room for this tai chi class in the middle of the street. The event is agreeable free of street vendors. There were just a few scattered tables & booths representing community groups.

Yellow-clad practitioners of Falun Gong were quite visible, camped out at the Grant Street entrance & in front of this American flag, performing their eerily slow meditations.

This weirdly mellow cat sat calmly on the sidewalk, pointedly ignoring people walking close by. He pretended not to see me when I stopped to take several pictures of him.

The street closure extended down to the Embarcadero via Jackson then Washington Streets, though these areas were nearly deserted during my stroll. Patrons at Kells could sit at tables in the street, giving the afternoon a European feel.
§ Sunday Streets 2012
August 26
11a.m. to 4p.m.
Nice account. I was off J-Popping and shopping for work clothes at the rich people's resale shop on upper Fillmore on Sunday.
Thanks. I passed through J-Pop Festival both days, so I'm sorry I missed you. I expect to see you looking spiffy in your rich man's duds next time I see you!
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