Saturday, May 15, 2010

Book Arts and Printers' Fair

Book Arts and Printers' FairI was at Fort Mason today, mingling with the small but enthusiastic book arts crowd at the PCBA Book Arts and Printers' Fair. I see the increasing popularity of book arts as a reaction to the digitization of the book. None of the items on display can be reproduced digitally, since their physical & very tactile form is intrinsic to what they are. I totally coveted Peter & Donna Thomas's extraordinary book Paper From Plants, with it's unusual binding that incorporates 30 samples of different types of paper. I can't believe they let me handle this beautiful object which is priced at over $800! I enjoyed running into Aaron Cohick again, & I am in awe of his broadsides in which he used an x-acto knife to lift away a thin layer of paper from the negative space of the text. He has also created a DIY series of books. Anyone can download the PDF files for free & assemble them themselves.

The fair is a pretty cozy event. The exhibitors are all extremely friendly & eager to share their work. There seemed to be a high proportion of tall women in attendance.

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